New menu

The New menu is one of the menus in the Objects window. You use this menu to create new objects from scratch. It contains the following commands:

Record mono Sound...
Record stereo Sound...
    • Create Sound as pure tone...
    • Create Sound from formula...
    • Create Sound as tone complex...
    • Create Sound as gammatone...
    • Create Sound as Shepard tone...
Create TextGrid...
    • Create empty PointProcess...
    • Create Poisson process...
    • Create PitchTier...
    • Create FormantGrid...
    • Create IntensityTier...
    • Create DurationTier...
    • Create AmplitudeTier...
Create Corpus...
    • Create Table with column names...
    • Create Table without column names...
    • Create TableOfReal...
     Datasets from the literature:
       • Create formant table (Peterson & Barney 1952)
       • Create formant table (Pols & Van Nierop 1973)
       • Create formant table (Weenink 1985)
       • Create H1H2 table (Keating & Esposito 2006)
       • Create Table (Ganong 1980)
       • Create iris data set
       • Create TableOfReal (Pols 1973)...
       • Create TableOfReal (Van Nierop 1973)...
       • Create TableOfReal (Weenink 1985)...
       • Create TableOfReal (Sandwell 1987)
     Multidimensional scaling:
       • Multidimensional scaling tutorial
       • Create letter R example...
       • Create INDSCAL Carrol Wish example...
       • Create Configuration...
       • Draw splines...
       • Draw MDS class relations
       • Create Matrix... (from a formula)
       • Create simple Matrix... (from a formula)
       • Create simple Matrix from values...
       • Create Photo... (from a formula)
       • Create simple Photo... (from a formula)
       • Create Polygon from values...
       • Create Strings as file list...
       • Create Strings as folder list...
       • Create Strings from tokens...
    • Create Permutation...
       • Create Polynomial...
       • Create Polynomial from product terms...
       • Create Polynomial from real zeros...
       • Create LegendreSeries...
       • Create ChebyshevSeries...
       • Create MSpline...
       • Create ISpline...
 Acoustic synthesis (Klatt):
    • KlattGrid help
    • Create KlattGrid...
    • Create KlattGrid from vowel...
 Articulatory synthesis:
    • Articulatory synthesis tutorial
    • Create Articulation...
    • Create Speaker...
    • Create Artword...
    • Create VocalTract from phone...
 Text-to-speech synthesis:
    • Create SpeechSynthesizer...
 Constraint grammars:
    • OT learning tutorial
    • Create NoCoda grammar
    • Create place assimilation grammar
    • Create place assimilation distribution
    • Create tongue-root grammar...
    • Create metrics grammar...
    • Create multi-level metrics grammar...
 Symmetric neural networks:
    • Create empty Network...
    • Create rectangular Network...
    • Create rectangular Network (vertical)...
    • Create Net as deep belief network...
 Feedforward neural networks:
    • Create FFNet...
    • Create iris example...
       • Create FFNet (linear outputs)...
       • Create PatternList...
       • Create Categories...

To create new objects from files on disk, use the Open menu instead. Objects can also often be created from other objects, with commands that start with To.

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© Paul Boersmma 2016,2023