Create formant table (Weenink 1985)

A command to create a Table object filled with the fundamental frequency and the first three formant frequency values from 12 Dutch monophthongal vowels as spoken in isolation by 30 speakers (10 men, 10 women and 10 children). Every vowel was pronounced only once, so that there are 360 recorded vowels in total. A reduced form, with only the formant frequecy values, is also available as a TableOfReal.

Table layout

The created table will contain 9 columns:

Column 1, labelled as Type
speaker type: "m", "w" or "c" (for man, woman or child).
Column 2, labelled as Sex
speaker sex: either "m" or "f" (for male or female).
Column 3, labelled as Speaker
speaker id: a number from 1 to 76.
Column 4, labelled as Vowel
the vowel name. The following list gives the vowel in Dutch [p_t] context words together with its representation in this column: (poet, oe), (paat, aa), (poot, oo), (pat, a), (peut, eu), (piet, ie), (puut, uu), (peet, ee), (put, u), (pet, e), (pot, o), (pit, i).
Column 5, labelled as IPA
the IPA notation for the vowels.
Column 6, labelled as F0
the fundamental frequency in Hertz.
Column 7, 8 and 9, labelled as F1, F2 and F3
the frequencies in Hertz of the first three formants.

The formant frequency values have been determined by means of LPC analysis with a varying prediction order. See Weenink (1985).

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