
An Editor for viewing and editing a Sound object. Most of the functions of this editor are described in the Intro.

The markers

To set the cursor, use the left mouse button. A short horizontal line will also be shown at the left edge (in cyan); the extension of this line crosses the cursor line at the sound's function value (seen as a cyan dot). This function value (shown at the left in cyan) is the sinc-interpolated value, and is generally different from the value that you would expect when looking at the linearly interpolated version of the sampled sound.

To select a part of the time domain, use the time selection mechanism.


To play any part of the sound, click in one of the rectangles below or above the sound window (there can be 1 to 8 of these rectangles), or choose a command from the Play menu.

To mute one or more channels (of a multi-channel sound), Command-click on the 🔈 icon at the right side of the corresponding channel number. The icon will turn to 🔇. In subsequent playing actions, the channel will not be played. Another Command-click on a muted channel icon will activate the channel again.


To perform analyses on the selection, or save it to a file, create an independent Sound as a copy of the selection, by clicking on the button that will copy the selection to the List of Objects; the resulting Sound will be called “Sound untitled”.


• Cut: cut the selection to the clipboard, for later pasting into the same or another Sound.
• Copy selection to Sound clipboard: copy the selection to the clipboard, for later pasting into the same or another Sound.
• Paste after selection: paste the clipboard to the cursor or after the selection.
• Set selection to zero: set the selected samples to zero.
• Reverse selection: reverse the selected part of the sound.

You can undo these commands with Undo (Command-Z).

The Group button

To synchronize a SoundEditor window with other windows that show a time signal, push the Group button in all the windows that you want to synchronize. You cannot Cut from or Paste into a synchronized SoundEditor window.

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© Paul Boersma 20220814,2023-06-08