One of the types of objects in Praat. An RealTier object represents a time-stamped curve, i.e., it contains a series of (time, value) points. The values have no physical units, so a RealTier is a generic, "mathematical", type, just as a Matrix is. Special, physically interpretable, kinds of RealTiers are PitchTier, IntensityTier, DurationTier and AmplitudeTier. You can convert a RealTier to and from these other tier types.
A RealTier can come in handy if you have time-stamped real-valued data that cannot be interpreted as any of the physical tier types. You can "View & Edit" a RealTier in its own window.
While you create a RealTier from the New menu, you will often have data in a text file produced by a different app than Praat. For instance, your text file may look like this, with a header:
Time Value
0.134 67.9
0.178 -138.6
0.211 78.9
0.213 100.0
0.456 -97.0
You can import this text file as a Table object with Read Table from whitespace-separated file... or perhaps with Read Table from tab-separated file...). You can then choose To RealTier... from the Convert menu. Alternatively, your text file may simply look like this, without header:
0.134 67.9
0.178 -138.6
0.211 78.9
0.213 100.0
0.456 -97.0
You can import this text file as a Matrix object with Read Matrix from raw text file.... You can then choose To RealTier... from the Cast menu.
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