A command to read a Matrix object from a file on disk.
The file should contain each row of the matrix on a separate line. Within each row, the elements must be separated by spaces or tabs.
For instance, the following text file will be read as a Matrix with three rows and four columns:
0.19 3 245 123
18e-6 -3e18 0 0.0
1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5
The resulting Matrix will have the same domain and sampling as Matrices created with Create simple Matrix.... In the above example, this means that the Matrix will have xmin = 0.5, xmax = 4.5, nx = 4, dx = 1.0, x1 = 1.0, ymin = 0.5, ymax = 3.5, ny = 3, dy = 1.0, y1 = 1.0.
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