ED - Experiment Designer
ED is a program to create experiments for desktop environments:
- Fully programmable in Java.
- Can be used on all three major platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac).
- Experiments can easily be exported to an online experiment. The export automatically converts the Java files to a JavaScript experiment which makes use of the EDWeb files installed on our server. Custom JavaScript code can be inserted between tags.
- Easy overview by using a Tree structure with all lists and pages.
- The experiment can start from every list/page, which is convenient for debugging.
- Loading of all stimuli can automatically be checked
- Makes use of right-click context menus that can paste predefined user code
- Eye tracking with Tobii Pro X3-120.
The program depends on Java, so the Java Development Kit must be installed once:
No need for installation, just click the batch/sh file:
- Windows: EDwin.bat
- Mac: EDMac.command
- Linux: EDLinux.sh
EDMac.command or EDLinux.sh must get execute permission, which has to be set only once. This can be set via the terminal:
sudo chmod 755 EDMac.command
sudo chmod 755 EDLinux.sh
For more info how to do this:
Execute permissions on Mac.
Open Mac app from an unindentified developer
Via menu -> Apple symbol -> System Preferences -> Security & Privacy
On the General tab, make sure that in the section "Allow aps downloaded from:", the option "App Store and indentified developers" is checked. If not, click first on the lock icon on the left bottom to allow changes. Then select the "App Store and identified developers".
If this above is checked and still ED is blocked, then go again to the General tab in Security & Privacy. In the section "Allow aps downloaded from:" you will see probably:
"ED" was blocked from opening because it is not from an identified developer.
Click de button on the right: "Open Anyway".
Mac and Numbers app
Strange enough the Mac application Numbers cannot deal with unknown extensions: so *.edr will not load. In ED it's possible via Menu->Preferences to set the extensions for the result files.
For a desktop application you can select *.txt (Tab delimited) or probably more convenient *.csv (Comma delimited). For a webapplication it's preferable to select *.csv (Comma delimited).
Example experiment
Learning by example is most often helpful. So it's possible to download a fake experiment with some stimuli. It's just to show how to use the controls/lists and stimuli.
In ED, via menu -> File -> open, and select exp1.edb in the 'exp1' folder. Now run the experiment via menu -> Run -> Run.
Programming example with 'fake' stimuli.