On a Mac operating system you have to set executable permission on the file EDMac.command This can be done via the terminal. First without explanations: Take care that you have a folder named "ED" on the desktop. press on the keyboard: command-spacebar type in the search bar: terminal, and press enter. A terminal has opened, and use the following commands (press enter key after every line/command): cd Desktop cd ED sudo chmod 755 EDmac.command And you are done. Below the same but with more explanations: Take care that you have a folder named "ED" on the desktop. press: command-spacebar type: terminal A terminal has opened. type: pwd It will show you that you are in the folder: /Users/ We would like to get a list of the content with the command List (ls). type: ls This will give a listing of all files and sub folders in this current folder. We have to go to Desktop with the Change Directory command (cd). type: cd Desktop type: cd ED Now we are in the ED folder. With the command ls -al we can see the permissions for the files: type: ls -al You will see something like: -rw-r--r-- for EDmac.command. This are actual 4 groups: , so - rw- r-- r-- We are interested in the owner permissions, and we don't want group/other to have write permissions. We are looking at a file, so the directory flag is off, it starts with "-". All the parts have rwx: read, write, execute permissions. So if there is listed r-- then only read permission is active. -w- now only write permission, etc. These are binary values so that the following can be used: r = 4 w = 2 x = 1 If you want a combination just add the numbers. We can change this with the command chmod (change mode). You have to start with "sudo" to have elevated (admin) rights. So for chmod 755, we have 7(4+2+1)=(rwx) for owner, 5(4+1)=(r-x) for group, and 5(4+1)=(r-x) for other: -rwxr-xr-x Now we will give executable rights to the script: type: sudo chmod 755 EDmac.command Now we are done, you can check this with: type: ls -al EDmac.command now you will see: -rwxr-xr-x EDmac.command And indeed for the "user" group, rwx is set, including the execute flag.