
One of the types of objects in Praat.

A PointProcess object represents a point process, which is a sequence of points ti in time, defined on a domain [tmin, tmax]. The index i runs from 1 to the number of points. The points are sorted by time, i.e. ti+1 > ti.

PointProcess commands

Creation from scratch:

Create empty PointProcess...
Create Poisson process...

Creation of a pulse train from a pitch contour:

PitchTier: To PointProcess: area-1 along entire time domain.
Pitch: To PointProcess: same, but excludes voiceless intervals.
Sound & Pitch: To PointProcess (cc): "pitch-synchronous": near locations of high amplitude.
Sound & Pitch: To PointProcess (peaks)...: "pitch-synchronous": near locations of high amplitude.
Sound: To PointProcess (periodic, cc)...: near locations of high amplitude.
Sound: To PointProcess (periodic, peaks)...: near locations of high amplitude.

Creation from converting another object:

Matrix: To PointProcess
PitchTier: Down to PointProcess
IntensityTier: Down to PointProcess


PointProcess: Play: pulse train.
PointProcess: Hum: pulse train with formants.


PointProcess: Draw...


PointProcess: View & Edit: invokes a PointEditor.
PointProcess & Sound: View & Edit: invokes a PointEditor.
• Inside a ManipulationEditor.


PointProcess: Get jitter (local)...: periodic jitter.
PointProcess: Get jitter (local, absolute)...: periodic jitter.
PointProcess: Get jitter (rap)...: periodic jitter.
PointProcess: Get jitter (ppq5)...: periodic jitter.
PointProcess: Get jitter (ddp)...: periodic jitter.
PointProcess: Get low index...: index of nearest point not after specified time.
PointProcess: Get high index...: index of nearest point not before specified time.
PointProcess: Get nearest index...: index of point nearest to specified time.
PointProcess: Get interval...: duration of interval around specified time.

Set calculations:

PointProcesses: Union: the union of two point processes.
PointProcesses: Intersection: the intersection of two point processes.
PointProcesses: Difference: the difference of two point processes.


PointProcess: Add point...: at a specified time.
PointProcess: Add points...: at specified times.
PointProcess: Remove point...: at specified index.
PointProcess: Remove point near...: near specified time.
PointProcess: Remove points...: between specified indices.
PointProcess: Remove points between...: between specified times.


PointProcess: To PitchTier...: pitch values in interval centres.
PointProcess & Sound: To Manipulation


PointProcess: To Sound (pulse train)...
PointProcess: To Sound (hum)...


PointProcess: To Matrix
PointProcess: Up to TextGrid...
PointProcess: Up to PitchTier...
PointProcess: Up to IntensityTier...

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