What was new in 3.7?

Praat 3.7, 24 March 1998


• In all FunctionEditors: drag to get a selection.

Phonetics library:

• Many new query (Get) commands for Sound, Intensity, Harmonicity, Pitch, Formant, Ltas, PitchTier, IntensityTier, DurationTier, FormantTier.
• Many new modification commands.
• Many new interpolations.
• Sound enhancements: Sound: Lengthen (overlap-add)..., Sound: Deepen band modulation...
Source-filter synthesis tutorial, Sound & IntensityTier: Multiply, Sound & FormantTier: Filter, Formant: Formula (frequencies)..., Sound: Pre-emphasize (in-place)....


• TextGrid queries (Get times and labels in a script).
TextGrid: Count labels....
PointProcess: To TextGrid (vuv)...: get voiced/unvoiced information from a point process.
IntervalTier: To TableOfReal...: labels become row labels.
TextTier: To TableOfReal....

Numerics and statistics library

Multidimensional scaling (Kruskal, INDSCAL, etc).
TableOfReal: Set value..., Formula..., Remove column..., Insert column..., Draw as squares..., To Matrix.

Phonology library

• OT learning: new strategies: weighted symmetric plasticity (uncancelled or all).

Praat shell

• First Linux version.
• Eight new functions like e.g. hertzToBark in Formulas 5. Mathematical functions.
Praat script: procedure arguments; object names.


• 230 more man pages (now 630).
• Hypertext: increased readability of formulas, navigation with keyboard.

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© Paul Boersma 1998