Text styles

When drawing text into the Picture window or into an editor, you can use text styles other than regular Roman.

Italic, bold, superscript, subscript

With the following symbols, you introduce stretches of text drawn in special styles:

%: the following letter will be italic.
#: the following letter will be bold.
#%: the following letter will be bold-italic.
^: the following letter will be superscript: %m%c^2 gives mc2.
_: the following letter will be subscript. Example: F0 is typed as %F_0.
%%: the following letters will be italic, until the following %:
    Now %%you% try gives: Now you try.
The same goes for ##, ^^, and __.
\s{...}: small:
    W\s{ARP} gives: WARP

To draw a %, #, ^, or _ symbol, you type “\% ”, “\# ”, “\^ ”, or “\_ ”: a backslash, the symbol, and a space.

See also

Special symbols

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