Nick Szabo's Papers and Concise Tutorials

Coalition Design for Secure Protocols

Copyright (c) 1998, 2001 by Nick Szabo
permission to redistribute without alteration hereby granted

N parties, comprising the set U ("universe"), want to engage in a protocol. They may want to reach agreement on the transfer of property titles, settlement of replicated books, distribution of credit reports and virus lists, or similar updates to replicated data. They may want to engage in a private multiparty computation for the purposes of confidential negotiations or auditing. These parties can form coalitions to gang up on each other. The set of possible coalitions is just the set of all subsets of U, C = 2^U.

This essay focuses on thresholds of parties, sometimes called "voting". It is important to note that these are only meant to enhance the integrity of a single atomic step or run of the protocol. Practical systems, such as Mojo Nation, combine a majority or super-majority within a particular run with failure detection and choice by clients of servers between runs. So we can add back all the reputation systems, auditing, and so on that add robustness in the long term to distributed systems. The majorities or super-majorities within an invocation create a very good short-term robustness that is missing from current systems like Freenet and Mojo Nation. (It's only party missing from Mojo, which has a 4-of-8 voting scheme but this has not been shown to be Byzantine resilient up to 4-of-8).

The protocol designer needs to draw from C a set of allowed ("good") coalitions GC. Any set of parties in GC is a coalition sufficient to successfully complete the protocol. Also draw from C set disjoint from GC of disallowed ("bad") coalitions BC which cannot be allowed the opportunity to disrupt the protocol. If GC union BC = C then we say that the partition is unambiguous. Also, the sets in GC are the complements of the sets in BC, and vice versa.

To produce a secure protocol, these coalitions need to meet certain criteria. Particularly interesting is the quorum system, a set of good coalitions, every member of which intersects in at least one party. Each good coalition (quorum) can act on behalf of the system to complete the protocol. Intersection facilitates consistency across quorums. If an operation occurs in two quorums, then at least one party observes both. Indeed, a fault-tolerant or secure quorum system intersects in a set containing sufficiently many parties to guarantee correctness. See, for example, the masking and dissemination quorum systems used by Malkhi & Reiter [MR97] to design a replicated database secure against malicious faults by bad coalitions. Secure replication is important for property titles[S98], transaction settlement in replicated books, mint issued and spent lists, credit reporting and virus lists[S96], and similar applications.

Where the parties' preferences and payoffs can be numerically characterized, cooperative game theory[M91] provides a potential tool for quorum system design. Good coalitions should have no incentive to violate the protocol; bad coalitions with such an incentive can be tolerated. Secure protocol design would thus be combined with game theory to produce results stronger than those achievable by either model alone. Caveat: incentive models are much weaker than the Byzantine attack model cryptographers are accustomed to. The different cooperative game models make various oversimplifying assumptions about behavior. It is advisable that good coalitions be incentive compatible under a wide variety of game models and in light of practical informal considerations.

[BW98], following the trail blazed by among others [HM97] and [NW96], have shown that if any single party can be trusted with correctness, then a quorum system is necessary and sufficient for the privacy of inputs to a multiparty computation[S97] against resource unbounded adversaries. Classical analysis of multiparty computation concluded that a threshold of more than half of the parties is necessary and sufficient for private computation. This is just a special case of BW98 result. Any threshold system whose threshold exceeds N/2 is also a quorum system -- there are only N parties, so two coalitions of size >N/2 must contain at least one party in common, thus forming a quorum system. Certain interesting quorum systems are possible that are not majority thresholds.

The classical analysis also concluded that a majority threshold is necessary and sufficient for _correct_ multiparty computation, i.e. secure against active malicious faults in minorities with polynomial amounts of resources. A two-thirds majority is necessary against resource unbounded adversaries. I am aware of no correctness result as yet for quorum systems in multiparty computation. Threshold correctness results for multiparty computation and quorum correctness results for secure replication suggest the possibility of, and an approach to, a quorum correctness result for multiparty computations.


The full older version of this article

BW98  D. Beaver and A. Wool, "Quorum-based Secure Multi-Party Computation"
also in Eurocrypt '98

HM97  M. Hirt and U. Maurer, "Complete characterization
of adversaries tolerable in secure multi-party computation",

M91  R. Myerson, _Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict_

MR97  D. Maklhi & M. Reiter, "Byzantine Quorum Systems", also in 21st ACM STOC.  

NW96  M. Naor and A. Wool, "Access control and signatures
via quorum secret sharing", 3rd ACM Conf. on Computer and
Communications Security

S96  On secure credit reporting, virus list distribution, etc.

S97  A gentle introduction to multiparty computation and its potential applications

S98  Secure property titles

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Nick Szabo's Papers and Concise Tutorials