Praat 3.3, 6 October 1996
• Documentation: hypertext help browser, including the first 190 man pages.
• New editors: type TextTier for labelling times instead of intervals.
• New actions: Formant: Viterbi tracker, Statistics menu, Scatter plot.
• Evaluation: For HNR analysis of speech, the cross-correlation method, which has a sensitivity of 60 dB and a typical time resolution of 12 milliseconds, must be considered better than the autocorrelation method, which has a better sensitivity (80 dB), but a much worse time resolution (30 ms). For pitch analysis, the autocorrelation method still beats the cross-correlation method because of its better resistance against noise and echos, and despite its marginally poorer resolution (15 vs. 12 ms).
• User preferences are saved across sessions.
• The phonetic X screen font included in the source code.
• Xwindows resources included in the source code
• Graphics: eight colours, small caps, text rotation.
• File formats: Sun/NexT mu-law files, raw matrix text files, Xwaves mark files.
• Accelerations: keyboard shortcuts, faster dynamic menu, Shift-OK keeps file selector on screen.
• Object type changes: StylPitch and MarkTier are now called PitchTier and TextTier, respectively. Old files can still be read.
• Script warning: all times in dialogs are in seconds now: milliseconds have gone.
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© Paul Boersma 1996