In §4.1 we saw that objects could be removed by selecting them first and then calling the Remove command. A faster way is the removeObject function, which can also remove unselected objects:
sound = Create Sound as pure tone: “sine377”,
... 1, 0, 1, 44100, 377, 0.2, 0.01, 0.01 ; remember the ID of the Sound
Play ; the Sound is selected, so it plays
spectrum = To Spectrum: “yes” ; remember the ID of the Spectrum
Draw: 0, 5000, 20, 80, “yes” ; the Spectrum is selected, so it is drawn
# Remove the created Spectrum and Sound:
removeObject: sound, spectrum ; remove one selected and one unselected object
The removeObject function keeps the objects selected that were selected before (except of course the ones it throws away). This allows you to easily throw away objects as soon as you no longer need them:
sound = Create Sound as pure tone: “sine377”,
... 1, 0, 1, 44100, 377, 0.2, 0.01, 0.01 ; remember the ID of the Sound
Play ; the Sound is selected, so it plays
spectrum = To Spectrum: “yes”
removeObject: sound ; we no longer need the Sound, so we remove it
Draw: 0, 5000, 20, 80, “yes” ; the Spectrum is still selected, so it is drawn
removeObject: spectrum ; remove the last object created by the script
A very strange command, which you should not normally use, is select all
select all
This selects all objects in the list and then removes them. Please try not to use this, because it will remove even the objects that your script did not create! After all, you don’t want the users of your script to lose the objects they created! So please try to remove in your script only the objects that your script created, even if the script is for your own use (because if it is a nice script, others will want to use it).
© Paul Boersma 1999,2004,2006–2008,2011,2013,2014