Harmonicity: Get standard deviation...

A query to the selected Harmonicity object.

Return value

the standard deviation, expressed in dB.


Time range (s)
the time range (t1, t2). Values outside this range are ignored. If t1 is not less than t2, the entire time domain of the Harmonicity is considered.


The standard deviation between the times t1 and t2 is defined as

1/(t2 - t1) ∫t1t2 dt (x(t) - μ)2

where x(t) is the harmonicity (in dB) as a function of time, and μ its mean. For our discrete Harmonicity object, the standard deviation is approximated by

1/(n-1) ∑i=m..m+n-1 (xi - μ)2

where n is the number of frame centres between t1 and t2. Note the "minus 1".

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