To download the latest version of the Raspberry Pi (4B) edition of Praat, click once on the following compressed archive:
Unpack with gunzip and tar xvf. This will create the executable file praat. You can remove the tar file.
Praat will work fine wherever it is on your disk; just type ./praat or click the icon. If you use Praat for the first time, choose Intro from the Help menu.
If you want to see good phonetic characters, you have to install the Charis SIL and Doulos SIL fonts:
sudo apt install fonts-sil-charis
sudo apt install fonts-sil-doulos
If you cannot install those packages, you can download the two fonts from Summer Institute of Linguistics and follow the installation instructions there.
To run Praat from a terminal window, write a Praat script and specify that script on the command line, optionally with arguments, e.g.:
praat --run playsinewave.praat 377 0.9
For details see Calling from the command line in the Scripting manual.
5a. Sound recording does not work
We do not yet support the microphone, but you should be able to get audio output to work by starting up the JACK daemon, for instance:
jackd -d alsa &