Workshop "Phonetics and phonology in loanword adaptation" (PaPLA2017)

We organized a workshop about the roles that phonetics and phonology play in the adaptation of loanwords. This workshop, perhaps somewhat unsurprisingly called "Phonetics and phonology in loanword adaptation", was held in Cologne on Sunday June 11, 2017, prior to the conference Phonetics and Phonology in Europe 2017.

Silke Hamann and Klaas Seinhorst, University of Amsterdam.

Invited speakers:
Sharon Peperkamp (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris),
Marko Simonović (Utrecht University, the Netherlands)


Time Speaker Title
14:30-14:35 Opening
14:35-15:20 Sharon Peperkamp Loanword non-adaptations
15:20-15:40 Na-Young Ryu, Sungwoo Han & Yoonjung Kang Phonetic and phonological adaptation of loanwords: Mandarin falling diphthongs in Heritage Korean in China
15:40-16:00 Hyunsoon Kim & Junyeop Kim Old vs. young Koreans' vowel insertion after word-final English and French postvocalic plosives: a sociolinguistic account
16:00-17:00 Poster session with tea and coffee
Megan Burdick Can second-language phonological models predict vowel adaptations in Malay loanwords?
Silke Hamann Diachronic change in loanword adaptation is due to differences in the adaptors' perception grammars
Yoonjung Kang & Jessamyn Schertz L2 categories in perceptual adaptation and implications for loanword phonology
Hyunsoon Kim Korean adaptation of Japanese plosives followed by a H or L vowel
Klaas Seinhorst The Russian adaptation of [y] as L1 bimodal perception
Sehrish Shafi & Sam Hellmuth The sociolinguistics of variable adaptation in English loanwords in Mirpuri Pahari
Melanie Uth The prosodic realization of Spanish loanwords in Yucatec Maya
17:00-17:45 Marko Simonović Inter-language mappings and why we can't have nice theories about them
17:45-18:05 Zachary Jaggers Loanword variation as a result of social influences on loanword adaptation
18:05-18:25 Stacey Jacobson We hear, we see, we say: the role of orthography in the adaptation of loanwords from Spanish into English
18:25-18:30 Closing