Reading an existing word list

New word lists can be downloaded or created.

Reading a word list

Go to the Settings page. At the lower left hand side, there is a button with the label Open List. After you click on this button, you can select the file with the word list.

Plain text wordlists (e.g., <name>.txt) or full tables (e.g., <name>.Table or <name>.tsv) can directly be opened using the Open List button on the Settings page.

When reading wordlists with included audio, users on OSX (Mac) and Linux should select the standard wordlists with the .sgc extension for SpeakGoodChinese. These are just standard ZIP files, but the .sgc extension makes them easier to handle in SpeakGoodChinese.

If you have 7-Zip ( or Winzip installed on MS Windows, the automatic installation of .sgc files might work too.

Windows users who cannot load the standard wordlists should download the ZIP version and unpack the wordlist ZIP, i.e., extract the folder inside. Often this can be done by a double click on the downloaded file and then dragging the folder inside it to the place where you want to store it.

If the folder extracted from the ZIP file contains scripts with the name(s) Windows_install.bat, Mac_install.command and, these will do the installation for you. Just double click on the appropriate install script. The wordlists and if available, the SpeakGoodChinese binary will be installed.

If the install scripts are not present, click on the Open List button on the Settings page and in the folder created after unpacking the ZIP file, locate the folders that store the wordlists (and audio). Open one (and only one) of the files in each wordlist folder. The wordlist folders can be located inside a separate wordlists folder. Each separate wordlist folder will have to be loaded by opening a file inside it. It does not really matter which file is chosen (e.g., <name>.wav or wordlist.txt or wordlist.Table). If all goes well, the wordlist will be loaded. This will work on OSX (Mac) and Linux too. You can delete the files you downloaded after opening the wordlist.

Global installation of word lists

The wordlists a user installs are placed in her local settings directory:

To install wordlists for all users, place them in:


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© R.J.J.H. van Son, September 1, 2014