TableOfReal: Select columns where row...

Copy columns from the selected TableOfReal object to a new TableOfReal object.


defines the indices of the columns to be selected. Ranges can be defined with a colon ":". Columns will be selected in the specified order.
Row condition
specifies a condition for the selection of rows. If the condition evaluates as true for a particular row, the selected elements in this row will be copied. See Matrix: Formula... for the kind of expressions that can be used here.


Select columns where row: "1 2 3", "1"
Select columns where row: "1 : 3", "1"

Two alternative expressions to copy the first three columns to a new table with the same number of rows.

Select columns where row: "3 : 1", "1"

Copy the first three columns to a new table with the same number of rows. The new table will have the 3 columns reversed.

Select columns where row: "1:6 9:11", "self[row,8]>0"

Copy the first six columns and columns 9, 10, and 11 to a new table. Copy only elements from rows where the element in column 8 is greater than zero.

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