table <- read.csv ("data_for_R.Table", sep='\t', stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
head (table, 20)
##     P        SE SL PL  O SG        PE Correct Nativity Order  S
## 1  P1 Disgusted  E  E EG  F Disgusted       1   Native    NF S4
## 2  P1   Neutral  E  E EG  M   Neutral       1   Native    NF S3
## 3  P1       Sad  E  E EG  F       Sad       1   Native    NF S2
## 4  P1       Sad  E  E EG  M   Neutral       0   Native    NF S5
## 5  P1     Happy  E  E EG  M     Happy       1   Native    NF S1
## 6  P1   Neutral  E  E EG  F   Neutral       1   Native    NF S4
## 7  P1     Happy  E  E EG  F     Happy       1   Native    NF S4
## 8  P1     Happy  E  E EG  M Disgusted       0   Native    NF S3
## 9  P1     Angry  E  E EG  M     Angry       1   Native    NF S3
## 10 P1     Happy  E  E EG  M     Happy       1   Native    NF S5
## 11 P1 Disgusted  E  E EG  M Disgusted       1   Native    NF S5
## 12 P1       Sad  E  E EG  F       Sad       1   Native    NF S6
## 13 P1     Happy  E  E EG  F     Happy       1   Native    NF S2
## 14 P1 Disgusted  E  E EG  F Disgusted       1   Native    NF S2
## 15 P1     Angry  E  E EG  M     Angry       1   Native    NF S5
## 16 P1 Disgusted  E  E EG  F Disgusted       1   Native    NF S6
## 17 P1    Afraid  E  E EG  M    Afraid       1   Native    NF S5
## 18 P1       Sad  E  E EG  M   Neutral       0   Native    NF S1
## 19 P1    Afraid  E  E EG  F    Afraid       1   Native    NF S6
## 20 P1       Sad  E  E EG  M       Sad       1   Native    NF S3
nativity.contrast <- cbind (c(-0.5, +0.5))   # Foreign = -0.5; Native = +0.5
colnames (nativity.contrast) <- c("-F+N")
contrasts (table$Nativity) <- nativity.contrast
contrasts (table$Nativity)
##         -F+N
## Foreign -0.5
## Native   0.5
language.contrast <- cbind (c(-0.5, +0.5))   # E = -0.5; G = +0.5
colnames (language.contrast) <- c("-E+G")
contrasts (table$PL) <- language.contrast
contrasts (table$PL)
##   -E+G
## E -0.5
## G  0.5
gender.contrast <- cbind (c(+0.5, -0.5))   # F = +0.5; M = -0.5
colnames (gender.contrast) <- c("-M+F")
contrasts (table$SG) <- gender.contrast
contrasts (table$SG)
##   -M+F
## F  0.5
## M -0.5
order.contrast <- cbind (c(+0.5, -0.5))   # FN = +0.5; NF = -0.5
colnames (order.contrast) <- c("-NF+FN")
contrasts (table$Order) <- order.contrast
contrasts (table$Order)
##    -NF+FN
## FN    0.5
## NF   -0.5
model <- lme4::glmer (Correct ~ Nativity * (SG * PL + Order) + (Nativity * SG | P) + (Nativity * (PL + Order) | S), data=table, family=binomial, control = lme4::glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 1e5)))
## boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
summary (model)
## Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
##   Approximation) [glmerMod]
##  Family: binomial  ( logit )
## Formula: Correct ~ Nativity * (SG * PL + Order) + (Nativity * SG | P) +  
##     (Nativity * (PL + Order) | S)
##    Data: table
## Control: lme4::glmerControl(optCtrl = list(maxfun = 1e+05))
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##   1424.5   1640.7   -671.2   1342.5     1399 
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -4.9945  0.2743  0.4148  0.5250  0.7508 
## Random effects:
##  Groups Name                     Variance Std.Dev. Corr                   
##  P      (Intercept)              0.00000  0.0000                          
##         Nativity-F+N             0.10471  0.3236    NaN                   
##         SG-M+F                   0.03576  0.1891    NaN  1.00             
##         Nativity-F+N:SG-M+F      0.06471  0.2544    NaN  0.87  0.91       
##  S      (Intercept)              0.15578  0.3947                          
##         Nativity-F+N             0.15682  0.3960   -0.77                  
##         PL-E+G                   0.07417  0.2723    0.47  0.20            
##         Order-NF+FN              0.06583  0.2566    0.99 -0.86  0.32      
##         Nativity-F+N:PL-E+G      0.58482  0.7647   -0.98  0.87 -0.30 -1.00
##         Nativity-F+N:Order-NF+FN 0.05964  0.2442   -0.32 -0.35 -0.99 -0.17
##   0.15
## Number of obs: 1440, groups:  P, 20; S, 12
## Fixed effects:
##                             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
## (Intercept)                 1.621277   0.150415  10.779   <2e-16 ***
## Nativity-F+N                0.008678   0.223893   0.039   0.9691    
## SG-M+F                      0.396764   0.279421   1.420   0.1556    
## PL-E+G                      0.365161   0.211143   1.729   0.0837 .  
## Order-NF+FN                 0.378694   0.162891   2.325   0.0201 *  
## SG-M+F:PL-E+G               0.292192   0.454462   0.643   0.5203    
## Nativity-F+N:SG-M+F        -0.111476   0.440135  -0.253   0.8001    
## Nativity-F+N:PL-E+G        -0.887944   0.602567  -1.474   0.1406    
## Nativity-F+N:Order-NF+FN    0.166064   0.327351   0.507   0.6119    
## Nativity-F+N:SG-M+F:PL-E+G -1.126683   1.176721  -0.957   0.3383    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##               (Intr) Nt-F+N SG-M+F PL-E+G O-NF+F SG-M+F: Nt-F+N:SG-M+F N-F+N:P
## Nativty-F+N   -0.365                                                          
## SG-M+F         0.093  0.020                                                   
## PL-E+G         0.385 -0.010  0.076                                            
## Order-NF+FN    0.402 -0.193 -0.034  0.065                                     
## SG-M+F:PL-E    0.090 -0.030  0.350  0.205  0.019                              
## Nt-F+N:SG-M+F -0.013  0.201 -0.273 -0.013  0.017  0.181                       
## N-F+N:PL-E+   -0.600  0.359 -0.076 -0.382 -0.180 -0.049   0.054               
## N-F+N:O-NF+   -0.027  0.011 -0.013 -0.070 -0.027 -0.014  -0.014        -0.025 
## N-F+N:SG-M+F: -0.094  0.087 -0.541 -0.089 -0.035 -0.333   0.320         0.195 
##               N-F+N:O
## Nativty-F+N          
## SG-M+F               
## PL-E+G               
## Order-NF+FN          
## SG-M+F:PL-E          
## Nt-F+N:SG-M+F        
## N-F+N:PL-E+          
## N-F+N:O-NF+          
## N-F+N:SG-M+F:  0.013 
## optimizer (Nelder_Mead) convergence code: 0 (OK)
## boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
library (ggplot2)
ggplot(data = table,aes(x=Nativity,y=Correct,col=PL)) + geom_jitter() + facet_wrap(~PL)

xtabs(~ (PE + SE) + (SL + PL), data = table)
## , , SL = E, PL = E
##            SE
## PE          Afraid Angry Disgusted Happy Neutral Sad
##   Afraid        58     0         0     3       0  13
##   Angry          2    57        14     4       0   0
##   Disgusted      0     3        46     7       0   2
##   Happy          0     0         0    40       2   3
##   Neutral        0     0         0     3      58   5
##   Sad            0     0         0     3       0  37
## , , SL = G, PL = E
##            SE
## PE          Afraid Angry Disgusted Happy Neutral Sad
##   Afraid        48     1         6     2       1   3
##   Angry          1    54         0     4       0   1
##   Disgusted      0     3        30     5       0   0
##   Happy          2     2         4    43       0   0
##   Neutral        8     0         4     6      51   5
##   Sad            1     0        16     0       8  51
## , , SL = E, PL = G
##            SE
## PE          Afraid Angry Disgusted Happy Neutral Sad
##   Afraid        56     0         1     6       0   6
##   Angry          0    60        10     6       0   0
##   Disgusted      0     0        46     7       0   0
##   Happy          1     0         0    34       0   0
##   Neutral        0     0         2     4      60   7
##   Sad            3     0         1     3       0  47
## , , SL = G, PL = G
##            SE
## PE          Afraid Angry Disgusted Happy Neutral Sad
##   Afraid        39     1         4     1       0   4
##   Angry          2    56         2     1       0   0
##   Disgusted      2     1        44     0       0   0
##   Happy          6     1         1    49       0   0
##   Neutral        7     1         2     9      58   7
##   Sad            4     0         7     0       2  49