The sample has the expected frequency distribution.
None realy, except that the observations must be independent.
Calculate the test parameter X^2 = Sum over all columns
( Oi - Ei )^2 / Ei which follows a Chi-square distribution by
approximation with (I-1) Degrees of Freedom (with I
the number of columns).
Although the above procedure is the one generally found in
text-books, it is not the best one. It ommits the continuity
correction that is needed because a discrete (multinomial)
distribution is approximated with a continuous (X^2) one.
A better test parameter is:
X^2 = Sum over all columns ( |Oi - Ei| - 0.5 )^2 / Ei
(|a-b| indicates the absolute value of the difference).
This is the approach actually used to calculate the X^2
value in this example.
Level of Significance:
Use a table to look up the level of significance associated with
X^2 and the Degrees of Freedom.
If the Degrees of Freedom > 30, the distribution of
z = {(X^2/DoF)^(1/3) - (1 - 2/(9*DoF))}/SQRT(2/(9*DoF))
can be approximated by a > Standard Normal Distribution.
This approach is an approximation, even with the continuity correction.
The Chi-square distribution can only be used if all expected values,
i.e., all Ei, are larger than five. If this does not hold,
combine the rarer categories with larger ones.