9.30 - 9.55 |
Welcome - Coffee & tea |
9.55 |
Opening |
Modified repeats: one method for asserting primary rights
from second position |
Audiovisual cues to a speaker's confidence level |
11.00 |
Coffee & tea |
Automatic phonetic transcription of large speech corpora: a
comparative study |
Morphological information and acoustic duration in Dutch
compounds |
Meeting of NVFW members |
13.00 - 14.00 |
Lunch |
Example-based large vocabulary recognition |
Multimedia retrieval |
15.00 |
Coffee & tea |
Methodologies for improving the g2p conversion of Dutch
names |
Text-induced spelling correction |
16.30 |
Drinks |
Tanya Stivers
Max Planck Institute for
Psycholinguistics, Language & Cognition Group
This presentation examines one practice
speakers have for confirming when confirmation was not otherwise
relevant. The data are a collection taken from video and audio
recordings of spontaneous face-to-face and telephone conversations
between family members and friends. The practice I analyze here
involves a speaker repeating an assertion previously made by another
speaker in modified form with stress on the copula/auxiliary. It is
argued that these modified repeats work to undermine the first
speaker's default ownership and rights over the claim being made and
instead assert the primacy of the second speaker's rights to make the
Two types of modified repeats are identified: partial
and full. Though both involve competing for primacy of the claim,
they occur in distinct sequential environments: the former are
generally positioned after a first claim was epistemically downgraded
whereas the latter are positioned following initial claims that were
offered straightforwardly, without downgrading.
Marc Swerts
Communication and Cognition, Tilburg
I will present the results of a number of experiments on the role of audiovisual prosody for signalling and detecting meta-cognitive information in question-answering. The first study consists of an experiment in which participants are asked factual questions in a conversational setting, while they are being filmed. Statistical analyses bring to light that a speakers' confidence level is cued by a number of visual and verbal properties. Interestingly, it appears that answers tend to have a higher number of marked auditive and visual feature settings, including divergences of the neutral facial expression, when a speaker's confidence level is low, while the reverse is true for non-answers. The second study is a perception experiment, in which a selection of the utterances from the first study is presented to participants in one of three conditions: vision only, sound only or vision+sound. Results reveal that human observers can reliably distinguish high confidence responses from low confidence responses in all three conditions, be it that answers are easier than non-answers, and that a bimodal presentation of the stimuli is easier than the unimodal counterparts. The talk will end with some perspectives on related work about difference in the expression of confidence level between speakers who differ in age and cultural background.
Christophe Van Bael
CLST, Radboud University Nijmegen
In a recent study, we investigated whether
automatic transcription procedures can approximate manually verified
phonetic transcriptions typically delivered with contemporary large
speech corpora. Ten automatic procedures were used to generate a
broad phonetic transcription of well-prepared speech (read-aloud
texts) and spontaneous speech (telephone dialogues) from the Spoken
Dutch Corpus. The resulting transcriptions were compared to manually
verified phonetic transcriptions from the same corpus.
We found
that signal-based procedures could not approximate the manually
verified phonetic transcriptions. A knowledge-based procedure did not
give optimal results either. Quite surprisingly, a procedure in which
a canonical transcription, through the use of decision trees and a
small sample of manually verified phonetic transcriptions, was
modelled towards the target transcription, performed best. The number
and the nature of the remaining discrepancies compared to
inter-labeller disagreements reported in the literature. This implies
that future corpus designers should consider the use of automatic
transcription procedures as a valid and cheap alternative to
expensive human experts.
Victor Kuperman
Radboud University Nijmegen
Recent literature demonstrates that
articulatory salience in speech (e.g. acoustic duration and loudness)
is sensitive to the amount of information carried by phonemes,
syllables and words. The more predictable (i.e. less informative) a
linguistic unit is in its lexical or phonological environment, the
less salient its realization. Examples of this phenomenon, especially
common in spontaneous speech, include acoustic reduction of highly
frequent functional words, durational shortening or deletion of
predictable discourse markers, and longer articulation of phonemes
with higher contribution to word recognition.
We tested whether
the amount of information supplied by morphological units adds to
other (phonetic, prosodic and lexical) domains of predictability and
modulates the acoustic duration of affixes. This research focused on
the interfixes -s- or -e(n)- in Dutch compounds. The selection of the
interfix is not determined by rules, but depends on probabilistic
characteristics of the left and right constituent families (sets of
compounds sharing the left/right constituent with the target). The
goal was then to detect the impact of families in the interfix
The study was based on two datasets collected from
the "Library of the Blind" component of the Spoken Dutch
Corpus: 1156 tokens containing the interfix -s- and 787 tokens
containing the interfix -e(n)-. The dependent variables of the study
were acoustic durations of the interfixes, and, for the interfix
-e(n)-, the number of segments in the interfix. The acoustic duration
of phonemes was determined with the help of an ASR, while the
presence of [n] in the interfix was established by two phoneticians.
We report the correlation of acoustic salience of the interfix and
the amount of information in both positional families, as well as the
distribution of interfixes in the left family. Moreover, we
demonstrate that a number of durational effects induced by phonetic
and prosodic factors and so far only observed under laboratory
conditions is also found in the genre of lively read aloud speech.
Dirk Van Compernolle
ESAT/PSI, K.U. Leuven
Hidden Markov Models(HMM) have dominated
speech recognition for over two decades. HMMs are an embeddiment of a
beads on a string model in which a sentence is a sequence of words, a
word a sequence of phonemes and a phoneme a sequence of states. An
HMM-state (in the acoustic model) models a sub-phonetic speech
fragment as a short-time stationary event. HMMs have great
advantages: the concept is straightforward and the parameters in the
model are trained from data available in large databases. Moreover
HMMs have proven to be extremely scaleable: larger database allow for
more detailed models with more parameters while more powerful CPUs
make it possible to use these more detailed models in real-time
systems. The success of HMMs has been the single most important
driving force in the use of large databases and statistical
techniques in the field of speech and language.
Nevertheless HMMs
are far from ideal in their speech modeling concept. Especially the
short-time stationarity assumption is contradictory to the nature of
speech which often looks more like a concatenation of transients than
a concatenation of stationary segments. In order to overcome these
fundamental weaknesses a new line of speeech recognition systems is
currently being developed that avoids the modeling step all together
and does recognition straight from the data by the application of
template matching. This avoids the step of imperfect modeling and at
the same time itis in line with recent psycholinguistic findings that
claim that many individual traces of speech fragments are permanently
stored in memory.
Template based systems require that the full
database is accessible at recognition time; which thanks to further
increases in hardware performance is almost within reach. However,
template based recognition has fundamental weaknesses as well: it
relies on the score of one or a few examples only to compute a
distance score.
In this presentation we will compare the pro's and
con's of HMM and template based recognition. Both of the them could
not exist without the availability of large corpora of speech.
However, the way in which these corpora are used in an actual
recognition system are drastically different for both methods.
Arjan van Hessen
HMI, University of Twente
The number of digital multimedia collections
is growing rapidly. Due to the ever declining costs of recording
audio and video, and due to improved preservation technology, huge
data sets containing text, audio, video and images are created, both
by professionals and non-professionals.
The reasons for building
up these collections may vary. Organisations such as broadcast
companies consider the production and publishing of multimedia data
as their core business. Within these companies there is a tendency to
search for "means" to get more out the produced content: a
nice example is the added basic search functionality in the
"uitzending gemist" collection. Other organisations are
merely interested in obtaining insight in the internal information
flow, for internal (corporate meetings that are recorded) or public
use (council meetings that are recorded and webcasted). A number of
organisations in the Netherlands administer spoken-word archives:
recordings of spoken interviews and testimonies on diverging topics
such as retrospective narratives, eye witness reports and historical
site descriptions. Modern variants of these spoken-word archives are
archives of 'Podcasts', 'Vodcasts' (video podcasts) and 'Vlogs'
(video weblog), created in order to share 'home-made' information
with "the world".
The Human Media Interaction (HMI)
group is set within the computer science department and the Centre of
Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT) and has a long history
in multimedia retrieval research. Especially the use of audio mining
and speech recognition technology in multimedia retrieval (SDR or
spoken document retrieval) is an important research focus.
presentation is focussed on the possibility to index and access
spoken archives via the use of automatic speech recognition
technology. The index, based on the imperfect recognition results is
then used to search the document collection and relate individual
documents to other information sources in (potentially) any media
format. We will discuss the running demo application in which the
recognised speech of the 8 o'clock news is used to connect news items
with 5 (most) similar newspaper documents from the Twente News
Henk van den Heuvel
CLST. Radboud University Nijmegen
Names pose particular problems for
grapheme-to-phoneme (g2p) converters. This is due to their
non-standard orthography caused by foreign origin or fossilisation of
older spelling forms. In the Autonomata project a variety of
techniques is studied to improve the g2p conversion of Dutch names,
more specifically: first names, second names, street names and town
names. In Autonomata, a standard g2p converter is augmented with a
name-specific phoneme-to-phoneme (p2p) converter that captures the
peculiarities of names. Based on large collections of names with a
manually verified phonetic transcription, the p2p is trained with the
specific information it requires. Various inductive and deductive
approaches are studied to achive this goal. We will exemplify our
approach by showing results on the g2p of Dutch first names.
Autonomata is carried out in the framework of the
Partners in the project are the Radboud
University Nijmegen, Ghent University, Utrecht University, Nuance,
and TeleAtlas.
Martin Reynaert
Communication and Cognition, Tilburg
In this talk we present an overview of our PhD-work on
Text-Induced Spelling Correction. The work presents a novel
approximate string matching algorithm for indexed text search. The
algorithm is based on a hashing function which uniquely identifies
strings composed of the same subsets of characters, i.e. anagrams, by
means of a numeric value. The numeric value allows for searching for
character strings differing from a particular string by a predefined
number of characters. This forms an ideal basis for a novel spelling
error detection and correction algorithm, which we call Text-Induced
Spelling Correction or TISC. Our system uses nothing but lexical and
word cooccurrence information derived from a corpus, a very large
collection of texts in a particular language, to perform
context-sensitive spelling error correction of non-words. Non-words
are word strings produced unintentionally by a typist that deviate
from a convention about how words are to be spelled in order to be
considered real-words within the language. We will highlight the
differences between our character-based similarity key and the
language specific similarity keys as employed in, for instance, the
well-known Soundex and Phonix phonetic spelling systems. The spelling
error detection and correction mechanism we propose uses not only
isolated word information, but also context information. It performs
context-sensitive error correction by deriving useful knowledge from
the text to be spelling checked. This enables our system to correct
typos for which it does not have the correct word in its dictionary.
Apart from this, some typos are ambiguous in that they may resolve
into two or more different words. We investigate in depth the
relationship between a typo and its context and propose a new
algorithm for ranking correction candidates that specifically makes
use of the typo's context.
We further discuss the tension between
the wish of developers of spelling correction systems of catering for
phonetic spelling errors and the cost of this in terms of the
system's precision. Extensive evaluations on both English and Dutch
allow us to illustrate this by discussing the performance of Aspell
and the Microsoft Proofing Tools in this regard.
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