
References and further reading

(this list is not exhaustive; more references can be found in the references listed below)

Arvaniti, A. & M. Baltazani. (1999-2000) GRToBI (Greek Tones and Break Indices).

Beckman, M.E. and G.M. Ayers. (1997) Guidelines for ToBI transcription. Version 3.0.

Beckman, Mary E., Julia Hirschberg, Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel. (2004) "The original ToBI system and the evolution of the ToBI framework". Prosodic Typology - The Phonology of Intonation and Phrasing, chapter 2. Sun-Ah Jun (ed.). Oxford University Press, Oxford.

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Crystal, David (2003) A Dictionary of Linguistics & Phonetics. Blackwell Publishing, fifth edition, Oxford.

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