Perceptual rating of a vowel

How to determine the perceptual quality of a vowel using VAS rating.

Record or Open an /a/ sound, select a stable part of the recording and add information about the speaker and recording:

Perceptual rating using Visual Analogue Scales

On the main page, select the Rating button (bottom right). The screen will show a number of horizontal bars with titles and qualifications to the left and right of each bar. To change the type evaluations, go to the Configuration page and select one of the buttons labeled Vowels, Text, IINFVo, or GRBAS (see VAS rating).

Listen to the sound by pressing the Play button. Click on the position in the Visual Analogue Scale that corresponds to the relative quality of the speech. Default, there will be a grey mark at the center of each scale. When a selection is made, a red mark will be visible at the indicated position. Use the Print button to save and print the evaluation. It is best to leave the scale Markers off when evaluating speech. These scale Markers are useful when inspecting evaluation scores.

Acoustic signal typing and Voice Quality

There are also experimental automatic evaluation of pathological type and Voice Quality. These automatic evaluations are displayed in the VoicePrints.


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© R.J.J.H. van Son, August 22, 2014