Drexler Assemblers & The Origin of Life

Copyright 1994 by Nick Szabo
distribute freely with attribution, without alteration

The question "how difficult will it be to make a "Drexler assembler"[0] often gets translated to "how hard is self-reproduction?" Its difficulty has sometimes been compared to the 3.5 billion years of "computing time" in which life has been searching the space of fit DNA replicators, but this is the wrong timeframe. Genetic evolution presupposes the capability for reproduction. A better timeframe is how long it took to get from the first simple autocatalytic sets to the first replictor. An autocatalytic set is a network of catalyzed chemical reactions with nonlinear feedback: pre-replicator metabolisms.

Using DNA editing-distance analysis, the first organisms are believed to have been non-photosynthetic bacteria[1]. By 3.5 billion years ago, life had already progressed to the level of complex colonies of photosynthetic microorganisms[2,3]. The oldest known terrestrial rocks date back c. 3.8 billion years, near the end of the late heavy bombardment. This gives a relatively small upper bound of 300 million years for reproducing DNA to have emerged from autocatalytic sets of simple amino and nucleic acids, sugars, lipids, etc.

An interesting question arises: what is the computational capability of an autocatalytic set? Does an autocatalytic set do a random or cumulative search? Bagley & Farmer [4] have developed a computational model of poly-symbols with catalyzed cleavage and condensation reactions, studying the properties of a well-stirred reactor driven away from equilibrium by the flow of mass. Their Platonic metabolisms can repair themselves and propagate through time.

Catalysts work by reducing the energy hump chemicals need to climb in order to react. Even the simplest bacteria contain thousands of such catalysts, called enzymes, constructed from a 20-odd amino acid alphabet by ribosomes from instructions encoded in nucleic acids. The probability that both enzymes and templates could be created through a statistical fluxuation is effectively nil. Bagley & Farmer have found that their catalytic reaction networks can focus most of the primitive materials into a few chemical species give:

* system driven appropriate distance from equilibrium

* condensation favored over cleavage

* diverse kinetic paramaters

Bagely & Farmer's method may be comparable to a parallel simulated annealing. Simulating annealing in turn is equivalent to a 1-gene genetic algorithm. How do autocatalytic sets compare computationally to genetic algorithms?

For one thing, they can generate a lineage of related autocatalytic metabolisms. They propagate specific information through time, namely their their unique polymer sequence. This suggests we should compare "metabolic operators" involved in such transitions to genetic operators like crossover and mutation. Indeed, via cleavage and condensation, something very much like genetic crossover is performed, most often end-to-end:

abcbabb + bcddaaa --> abcbabbbcddaaa

This metabolic "reproduction" occurs more continuously and with less fidelity than genetic reproduction. A complex polymer can be easily extinguished if cleavage outraces condensation, but it can also be weighted down if it is condensed with junk. Combinations that can catalyze their own condensation from more primitive elements are more likely to perpetuate themselves. Fit "genomes" are linked not physically but by their capability to reduce the energy levels of each other's condensations.

So it seems that replication per se is not hard at all. Crystals can be considered as tiny genetic codes, and indeed simulated annealing is computationally equivalent to a single-point genetic algorithm. Simple autocatalytic sets can also propagate their own patterns. The complexity of life lies in its generality: DNA replicators can produce far more varied forms and accomplish far many more tasks than crystals or simple autocatalytic sets. First via its generality, and then via its stability, life has gobbled up all the amino and nucleic acids that once were found in autocatalytic sets. Even better, these replicators may have extended the scope of those autocatalytic sets from incestuous cannibals to the ability to manufacture new nucleic and amino acids out of even simpler building blocks.

The main task of a Drexler assembler is not just to reproduce, but to produce a variety of interesting things for us in the bargain. The computational complexity of manufacturing variety should be the main goal of our efforts, not the computational complexity of reproduction, which can be simplified as much as we like until we're left with trivially replicating crystals. [0] Drexler, _Nanosystems_, 1992
[1] Woese, paper in Microbiological Reviews, June 1987
[2] Morrison & Owen, _The Planetary System_, 1987
[3] A paper in the April 30th issue of _Science_ describes microfossils
found dating back to 3.48 billion years BP.
[4] Bagley & Farmer, "Spontaneous Emergence of a Metabolism",
_Artifical Life II_, Langton ed. 1992