Informal (spontaneous) speech and matched read sentences

Informal (spontaneous) speech was a recorded story about a holiday trip, told face-to-face to an inteviewer. The speech was transliterated and randomized. Sentences were read aloud in a second recording. Speech was collected, labeled and segmented according to [Van Son et al., 2001]. 13 Pairs of matched informal and read speech were selected from a single speaker.

The label files have 9 tiers. From top to bottom these are:

  1. PHONEMES: Phoneme labels
  2. SYLLPARTS: Syllable onsets, kernels, and offsets
  3. LEXSYLL: Lexical syllable transcriptions
  4. SYLLABLES: Syllable labels, transcribed as spoken
  5. LEXCGN: Word transcriptions from the lexicon (CGN format)
  6. CGN: Word transcriptions as spoken (CGN format)
  7. WORDS: Orthographic word labels
  8. TRANSLIT: Orthographic sentence transliteration as spoken
  9. SENTENCE: Orthographic sentence text as presented to the speaker
    (for Informal speech this is the global transliteration used for text generation)

Speech from: