IFA Dutch Spoken Language Corpus: Raw sentences

This service allows you to query a (PostgreSQL) sentence database of the IFA Dutch Spoken Language Corpus for speech. All speech has been chopped into "sentence-size" units. For information, please contact:Rob van Son Rob.van.Son@hum.uva.nl.

Available file-types are: A label file (Status *: unaligned, R: complete, handaligned, H: handaligned phonemestring, A: automatically aligned phoneme string), two separate channels from the same recording, from a fixed microphone (_fm) and from a head mounted microphone (_hm), and the corresponding spectral Center of Gravity (CoG) files. The Spectral Center of Gravity is a compact way to represent spectral changes, especially changes in speech source (noise and voicing) and changes related to articulatory movements. These are stored as Praat ASCII Sound files. Sound files are CD quality (directly recorded on Audio CD), i.e., 44.1 kHz and 16 bit.

Select the speech material (select Speaker: F/M - female/male, Age, ID A-Z; Text Type: Fixed or Variable; and Speaking Styles):
(use the info buttons to display more or less information, e.g., file sizes and descriptions in the status bar)

Info: "CHECKED"> default "CHECKED"> more info "CHECKED"> no listing "CHECKED"> POST "CHECKED"> GET method
Text material
Speaking Style
Narrow down the selection of files:
ID does (~) "CHECKED"> or does NOT (!~) "CHECKED"> match regexp
<= Duration <=
Transliteration does (~) "CHECKED"> or does NOT (!~) "CHECKED"> match regexp

Link to labels with STATUS

Selected Files
(look at the bottom of the page for collected TAR archives)