SQL accessible sound segments

This page allows to select individual segments of speech sounds.

With some browsers, there are some problems with POST requests. If you have any problems receiving data, please check the GET button below and click on the CHANGE button.

The form below allows you to construct an SQL Query in the format:

SELECT <attr1>, <attr2>, ... FROM <table> WHERE <cond1> AND/OR <cond2> AND/OR .... ;
For security reasons, these queries are constructed from prescribed choices.

First, select the table to use. Click on the CHANGE button. Then select speakers, text type, styles, and audio filetype. Narrow down the search with the WHERE conditions. When you are ready, click on SUBMIT.

The results of the queries are available as (dynamic) links to the sound fragments with either no margin or a fixed 50 ms margin.

Currently, selections will not work for all tables. 'Phonemes', '(Lexical) Syllables', and '(Lexical) Word transcriptions' seem to work.



"$METHOD"" ACTION="Fragmentresults.html" TARGET="results">
Text material

Audio Filetype

push(@RemoveNames, 'MARGIN'); CHECKED if $MARGIN <= 0>None
CHECKED if $MARGIN > 0>50 ms
push(@RemoveNames, 'LABELTYPE'); CHECKED if $LABELTYPE ne 'XML'>TextGrid
Speaking Style

WHERE (optional)