SQL accessible phoneme data

Statistics on our segmented data are available here. You can select a table and enter selection criteria to get a listing or descriptive statistics.
(Rob.van.Son@hum.uva.nl). You can test the statistics used here.

With some server/browser on some platforms combinations there can be problems with that result in broken connections for POST requests. If you have any problems receiving data, please check the GET button below and click on the CHANGE button.

The form below allows you to construct an SQL Query in the format:

SELECT <attr1>, <attr2>, ... FROM <table> WHERE <cond1> AND/OR <cond2> AND/OR .... ;
For security reasons, these queries are constructed from prescribed choices.

The results of the queries are available either as printed lists, or as summary statistics (e.g., frequencies, means, correlations).



"$METHOD"" ACTION="DBstatisticsresults.html" TARGET="results">


WHERE (optional)

Text material


Statistics manual
Speaking Style

CASE (optional, note that you can only change the name to one of the choices)


Get Statistics of

Use push(@RemoveNames, 'VARIANCE'); "CHECKED" if $VARIANCE eq "WITHIN">within "CHECKED" if $VARIANCE ne "WITHIN">pooled Variance

Second parameter

Group by

and by

Nuisance factors

(Factors that have to be accounted for, but should be hidden in the output)
Comments on Value 1
Comments on Value 2
Query options
'CHECKED' if $STRAIGHT ne 'NO'> Calculate everything in script from raw values (list, secure)
'CHECKED' if $STRAIGHT eq 'NO'> Use DB summary functions for calculations (grouped, faster)