Sex Age IDcode Height Weight FL SL PoB PS SS TS PE Sm Al Md Pr ST Si Ph Tl # Remarks: # # # General: # Sex (F/M), Age (years), IDcode (XX), Height (cm), Weight (kg), # # Personal history: # FL (First Language), SL (Second Language), PoB (Place of Birth), # PS SS TS (primary, secundary, and tertiary school), PE (parental education) # # Physiological related: # Sm (smoking, cigarets/day [0 <1 1-4 >4] => less than 0, 1, 5, 999) # Al (alcohol, glasses/week [0 <4 4-8 >8] => less than 0, 4, 9, 999) # Md (medication, y/n) # # Relevant education/experience (y/n): # Pr (presentation), ST (Speech Training), Si (singing lessons) # Ph (phonetics/logopedics), Tl (telephone work) # # Language Codes # Du Dutch, Ge German, Fr French, Fn Frizian # UE UK English, SE Scotland English, AE American English #