File identification codes

The naming convention for speech fragments and files. All fragments have the form "F 28 G 1 FT 1 A ...". These identify the speaker (sex, age, and ID), the recording (1 or 2), the speaking style/text type, and the item in this recording (slide number, sentence, word, etc.) down to the individual phoneme.

The coding scheme

The coding scheme was designed to enable the unique and descriptive identification of any part of any recording. Most importantly, it must allow the insertion and deletion of descriptions with minimal effects on other parts. Furthermore, the codes should be 'decodable' by humans so they can verify their validity. That is, using a simple list, the item that belongs to a code should be recognisable. These aims were reached by a hierarchical code that uses an alternation of alphabetical and numerical codes. From any code, it is easy to obtain the code of item that contains it (e.g., the sentence that contains a word, or the word that contains a phoneme). Furthermore, removing or inserting an item can be done without changing other codes. However, the hierarchical nature of the code (which makes it understandible) forces a reassignment of an item (e.g., a phoneme from one syllable to another) to become a deletion + insertion if the codes should remain legible (which is not necessary). However, even in these cases, changes have only a very localized effect.

Speech Style Identification Codes

Fixed content

Variable content

Other Sounds

File Identification Code

Identify a speech segment by speaker, session, task, slide, and position

(uses Regular Expression Codes, parse with [A-Z\ -\ ,]+ and [0-9\ -\ ,]+: [...] = excactly 1, [...]+ = one or more, [...]? = 0 or 1)

Speech Identification Code (see relevant codes)

Special codes

Use a single + to combine non-identical multi-channel recordings, e.g., shadowing and multi-logues. For instance, if speaker F27B shadows speaker F28G, we get F27B3SH1+F28G1FY for F27B recording 3 SHadowing session 1 of the recording F28G1FY.

Content descriptions of the segment


Male, 56 yoa, Subject H, Recording session 1, Fixed Text read aloud, slide 3, sentence A, Word 4, Syllable S (i.e., first syllable), Coda, Phoneme 2, derived from the fixed microphone _fm and author SM.

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© Rob van Son, October 16th, 2001