Summary DVA9M+DVB9N Relationship speakers: Friends List of Topics: Cooking, Trousers, Leiden, Movie theatre, Restaurant, Birthday, Football tournament, Hockey, Auction, Pictures, Chris Zeegers, Anna, New roommate Summary: 2 Speakers (F21M and F20N) F20N begins the conversation by asking F21M how the meal was yesterday. F21M says that it was fine but people did not like that the meal contained brown beans. F20N asks if the meal was supposed to be cheap. F21M says she thinks so because Victoria, who cooked the meal, had to pay in advance. She also notes that many people did not offer to help with cooking or cleaning up, she doesn’t like this. The topic of conversation moves to buying new trousers. F20N asks what kind of trousers she wants to buy, F21M says black trousers. After this the topic immediately changes to Leiden. F21M asks F20N how it was in Leiden. F20N says she had a course on Saturday and she visited her father on Sunday. On Monday they wanted to go to the movie theatre but it was closed. F21M begins to tell about her birthday, that they all went out to eat. The restaurant owners were very nice to her. F21M briefly mentions that she had muscle pain after the football tournament and that she looks forward to playing hockey again. The topic moves to an auction. F21M was not able to be present, F20N only visited it briefly. They normally both attend these events. Then they discuss the pictures taken on Schiermonnikoog and the captions. F21M explains the joke with Chris Zeegers. After this discussion, they talk about Anna who is leaving her room and F21M tells about their new roommate. F21M says that she has not met her yet. They discuss the annoying habits of Anna, who is the sister of F21M. They say that she does not clean up the dishes. F20N says that she goes out to eat a lot. They don’t know how she can afford this.