Summary DVA8K+L Relation Speakers: Friends List of Topics: Cold, Clothes, Pizza, Russian, Special Entrance Examination, Test, Bull fights, Wisdom teeth, Elephants Summary: 2 Speakers (F20K and F20L) F20K starts the conversation by saying that she has a cold. She asks the other speaker what time she left yesterday. F20L says that she bought new clothes. F20K asks how things are going at her house, because she didn't visit it for a week. F20L has the feeling that her roommates are avoiding her. She bumped into an old friend. She describes what they did together. F20K tells about her morning, that she also met a friend. They talk about the origin of certain names. F20K says that her friend is very active, while she is a bit lazy. She has to work today, but she does not feel like it. They will eat a pizza together afterwards. F20L says that she will have a conversation tomorrow with someone from her old school. She stopped attending school, and they want to know why. She wants to study Russian, and she discusses what subjects she has to do for her special entrance examination. She thinks that she has to take a test in Dutch, English and Dutch grammar. It says on the internet that she has to take a test in German. F20K looked on the internet at a course in nursing, but the application date has already passed. F20L says she also too late to start studying this year. The topic of conversation moves to bull fighting. They do not like it. F20K asks if she still has a headache. They talk about pulling wisdom teeth. F20K asks F20L if she has wisdom teeth. She says that she has one. They talk about the teeth of elephants. This reminds them of a zoo. F20L says that you can buy elephant dropping to use as manure. Her parents bought them as a gift for friends for fun. They talk about their meal yesterday.