Summary DVA6H+I Relation Speakers: Colleagues List of Topics: Leiden, Russian, Storage of documentation, Edison Klassiek, Crete, Greek, Restoration, Noord/Zuidlijn, Sailing Summary: 2 Speakers (F59H and M65I) The conversation begins with F59H saying that she was in Leiden yesterday because a cultural anthropologist was over for a visit. M65I asks what language they spoke together. F59H says that they all spoke English, even though everyone present was able to speak Russian. This way they all speak a foreign language. They talk about the activities of a colleague who is digitalising documentation. They discuss the storage of documentation, that it is difficult to make sure that it is stored permanently. Many recordings of the past have been destroyed. They think that this is a pity. This topic reminds M65I of the 'Edison Klassiek' concert that was on television last night. He asks F59H if she saw it, but she says that she came home late yesterday. She asks if he liked the concert. M65I says that it was nice, but a bit chaotic. M65I asks how the music on Crete was. F59H tells about her vacation, that they rented a house there. She describes the scenery of the island. She says that Erik can speak Greek fluently. M65I says that he understood that learning Greek was very difficult. F59H says that he taught himself how to speak Greek. The topic changes to the restoration of buildings. They talk about the different procedures of restoration. Also they discuss to what extent a building should be restored. Then they discuss the chaos on Amsterdam Central. A tunnel for a new metro line, the 'Noord/Zuidlijn', is built there. F59H says to M65I that he doesn’t have to take a train anymore. He says that he will take the train to Amsterdam every now and then. M65I is going sailing soon. He describes the route that they are going to take.