Summary DVA2C+DVB2D Relation speakers: Collegues List of Topics: Restuarants, World cuisines, horseradish, Chinese food, Johnny Kraaijkamp sr., Joop Doderer, Instruments, Evanessence, Anouk, Within Temptation, College in Spain, Spanish music, Gothic, Grund, Damian Rice, Ronan Keating, Stephan Gately, Mecano Summary: 2 Speakers (M29C and F55D) The speakers begin the conversation by discussing different restaurants they like to go to. M29C says he likes to cook, and they start to discuss which cuisines they like most. They both do not like the Dutch cuisine very much. F55D tells about her experience in a Japanese restaurant in Amsterdam, she tasted horseradish there, but she had already tasted it in Budapest once before. Speaker F55D lived in the country as a child and she mentions her favourite Chinese restaurant who made the best Chinese noodles. The owner had a daughter, who later married Johnny Kraaijkamp sr. They discuss if they are still together and talk about his work as an actor. They compare him to Joop Doderer who played "Swiebertje". The topic of conversation shifts to music. M29C plays percussion, he is a drummer and also a guitarist. He mentions his experience in an orchestra, where he played the triangle. He thought that it was very complicated. He is a modern percussionist. They talk about singing voices of women. F55D does not like high singing voices. She likes Evanessence and Within Temptation. The singer Anouk is good but she sounds too much the same. She tells about a college in Spain who follows the Spanish music market for her. They exchange music and listen to music in the car when they are together. She says that she knows how to copy music illegally. The speakers don’t really like Spanish music. They discuss the Gothic scene and Grund. M29C likes the music of Damian Rice who quit his band when they had a hit in Ireland. F55D says that she likes the Cranberries and the Corrs and she mentions Ronan Keating. She went to Stephan Gately’s concert in Dublin in the year 2000 with her daughter. She also went to a concert of Mecano in Spain and concludes that the concert was the same in Ireland.