Summary DVA17AC+AD Relation Speakers: Friends List of Subjects: Vacation, Bus ride, Operation, Singing, Dancing, Acting, Negative evaluation, Singing voice Summary: 2 Speakers (F19AC and F19AD) F19AC and F19AD begin the conversation by saying that they are going on vacation together. They discuss what they are going to take with them. F19AD says that a bus ride of 19 hours is not that long. F19AC starts to laugh. They talk about the bus ride. F19AD says that this is the first time that they made a reservation by using the internet. They are a bit worried so they hope that everything will go well. F19AD asks if F19AC will go on another vacation. F19AC says that it depends, she wanted to go with her boyfriend, but his mother has to undergo surgery. She will receive a new hip. F19AC has five weeks of vacation this summer. F19AD has three weeks of vacation in total. F19AC does not look forward to start school in September. She received a bad evaluation for her singing. She says that she was just very nervous. They discuss the evaluations of other students. She mentions that she will work hard on her singing for next year. They talk about the evaluations for acting and dancing. F19AD mentions that she is related to someone they both know. F19AC says that she is focussing on acting because that is what she wants to do. She doesn't like that the negative evaluation was at the end of the school year. She continues to talk about the negative evaluation she received. She says that she wants to record her singing when she is taking lessons to show that she can sing. She says that she dislikes a class mate because she has a lot of talent but she does not use it. They talk about another class mate who worked really hard on his singing. They agree that everyone can develop a nice singing voice if you just practice enough.