Summary DVA16AA+DVB16AB Relationship speakers: Close, Informal Relation Speakers: Friends List of Topics: VU University, Room to rent, Badhoevedorp, Real estate agent, neighbourhood the Pijp in Amsterdam, Cats, Laptop Summary: 2 Speakers (M23AA and M21AB) M21AB says that they have to finish something today but M23AA says that he has to do other things first. M21AB asks M23AA about the incident on the beach. M23AA describes what happened. M21AB asks him what he did at VU University this morning. M23AA says that he was there because is looking for a room. He received a list with names of people who are offering a room to rent. After this he cycled to Badhoevedorp to visit a real estate agent. He thought that it was a curious man because he acted a bit strange. He decided to visit him, so he could see who he was talking to. When he arrived in Badhoevedorp he saw him sitting outside in his garden, but he did not want to go to him so he called him while standing on the corner of the street. M21AB laughs about this. He has a lot of good houses, but he does not have anything for him at the moment. However, M23AA has arranged a room for five weeks in the neighbourhood the Pijp in the city centre of Amsterdam. M23AA has to feed the cats of M21AB and also the cat of the woman who he is renting his room in the Pijp from. M21AB says that the hair of his cats drive him crazy. One of his cats made a hole in his shirt so he was not happy. M23AA says that he should not go to a certain address to repair the shirt, because he once brought a suit there but he was not happy with the result. M21AB says that he has to repair his laptop bag. M23AA asks if he ever takes his laptop with him to University. He says that he dislikes people who take their laptop to class and type their notes.