Summary: DVA15Y+DVB15Z Relation Speakers: Colleagues List of Topics: Letters, Local residents, E-mails, Benches, Computer space, Dog owners, Tramlines Summary: 2 Speakers (F32Z and M40Y) F32Z begins the conversation by telling M40Y about an e-mail she received as the chairman of the council from a local resident who was concerned because there are no benches in the park. The person who wrote the letter asked if she could arrange that benches were placed there. M40Y asks her what she is going to do about it. F32Z asks how she has to solve these so-called problems. M40Y jokes that she should buy benches from her own salary, this may result in a new political system. F32Z laughs about this. F32Z says that she also received a request from a Turkish girl who wanted a working space with computers for the Turkish youth. M40Y suggests all kinds of silly solutions and laughs. F32Z also mentions a hand written letter she received from an old man who had a problem with something. M40Y asks her what his problem was. F32Z says that she can't remember. M40Y jokes that she is not really interested if she can’t remember the problem. He asks if it is the same letter writer who thinks that dog owners are being terrorised. He says that he replies most letters, but not all. M40Y suggests that she should reply the letter writer about the benches that she should come up with an idea or solution herself. M40Y asks her what she thinks of the letter about the tramlines that have disappeared by devious methods according to the letter writer. M40Y says that he has been living here for twenty years but he can’t remember a tramline disappearing. They laugh about this. M40Y says that he apparently receives more e-mails than she does. F32Y says this is because his party is founded to be the voice of the angry local residents. Again they laugh about this.